Hijama / Cupping therapy

Wet cupping

after achieving vacuum hyperemia on the skin, as in dry cupping, the cups are temporarily removed and a little bleeding is caused on the skin surface, so the suction pressure is set again. We do not apply skin incisions, but drip bleeding is caused by a few small stings with a very thin needle, similar to an acupuncture needle. This produces only a few drops of blood, which is released and comes to the surface of the skin. No scars remain after these stings.

Dry cupping

is a modern approach to cupping in which the application of vacuum on a cup placed on a specific point of the skin achieves separation of the skin from the subcutaneous tissue and increases blood circulation to the skin and all subcutaneous structures under the cup. After a precise degree of suction pressure and duration of application, according to the individual patient's response, the vacuum is released.

Sliding cupping

conditionally speaking, is a subtype of massage. A larger area of ​​skin below which we want to cause intensification of blood flow, as well as some other metabolic effects is treated by sliding a special type of cup with vacuum ( silicone) over it.. The skin is lubricated with massage oil. This increases the microcirculation in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and improves peripheral blood flow