A gift voucher for a Hijama / Cupping treatment?
Looking for a gift idea?
We have a solution for you, how to make your loved one happy with a beautiful and useful gift voucher. This is an ideal opportunity to give your loved one the Cupping (vacuum) treatment they deserve, it is the best selected gift you can give. We guarantee top quality service in our cupping center.
How can you collect your gift voucher?
Poklon bon možete preuzeti osobno u našem Cupping centru na adresi Ulica Vrhovčev vijenac 40, 10000 Zagreb, uz prethodnu najavu na broj 091 392 7777. Radno vrijeme: pon.- pet. od 10h do 19h.
or without coming to the Cupping center, you just need to fill out the form for ordering a gift voucher for the desired amount and your gift voucher will arrive at your email address as soon as possible.
You can send the payment confirmation to the email:
All gift vouchers are issued for a period of 6 months from the date of purchase.
Podaci za uplatu:
Cupping Center
Ulica Vrhovčev vijenac 40, 10000, Zagreb
IBAN: HR1123600001102864758 (Zagrebačka banka d.d.)
For additional information, please contact us!
Tel: 091 392-7777